How and When to Fertilize Seedlings

Large Radish

When to Start Fertilizing Seedlings

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Seedlings should be fertilized when they are two to three inches tall and have two sets of true leaves.

What to Use for Fertilizing

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Choose a good quality all-purpose plant food that is designed for vegetable and garden plants.

Week One After Potting Up: Fertilize at a Dliuted Strength

Start with a diluted strength of fertilizer in the first week.

Week Two: Fertilize Seedlings at Full Strength

Bottom watering is the healthiest way to water and fertilize seedlings.

Week Three Through Hardening Off and Transplanting

Fertilize seedlings weekly until they are ready to move outdoors to begin hardening off and transplanting.

Watering Between Fertilizing

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Keep up with regular watering in between fertilizing

Low-Dose Continuous Fertilizing Alternative

Another option is to fertilize every time you water, but at a diluted strength

Fertilizing Seedlings Promotes Good Growth and Strong Plants

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Growing strong transplants is the key to growing a strong, resilient garden.