Dahlias Growing Guide: What You Should Know

Get to know dahlia growing--you're sure to fall in love with these stunners!

Dahlias are stunning late-season flowers that come in a variety of shapes, shades, and sizes.

From petite pom varieties to giant dinnerplate types, there is a seemingly endless array of dahlias to choose from.

If you adjust for your location and climate, chances are you can grow dahlias, almost no matter where you live.

Plant dahlias in the late spring

They can be planted directly as tubers or started earlier indoors in pots, but dahlias should be transplanted for outdoor living before they are a foot tall.

When do they bloom?

You may be able to get earlier blooms by jump-starting your dahlias indoors

How to Care for Dahlias

Learn the basics of good dahlia care and these flowers will reward you for many years--possibly for generations!

With basic care you'll get tons of beauty

Learn when and how to pinch, disbud, and deadhead your dahlias. This will increase the quality and quantity of your blooms.