How To Fix & Prevent Leggy Tomato Seedlings

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Tomato seedlings will grow thick, strong stems if they have the right light and it is placed close enough to the tops of the plants.

Why is Legginess a Problem

Leggy seedlings will be prone to disease and mature plants (if they live to maturity) will struggle with growth and production.

Preventing Legginess

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If your tomato seedlings start to look leggy, adjust the lights, so they are just a couple of inches from the plants’ tops

Water consistently as needed.

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Leggy tomato seedlings can be saved by up-potting them and sinking the long stems down into the new pot or planting cell.

Pet” your tomato plants daily.

Once every day or so, when you check your tomato seedlings, brush your hand lightly over the top of the plant’s leaves.

Potting Up is the Best Way to Correct Leggy Seedlings

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The way to save leggy seedlings is to plant them deeply into a new cell and soil